At RGNN, Fashion Week is not only about the established brands, but also a great opportunity to highlight the next generation of fashion designers, ready to make their mark in the fashion world. As such, RGNN Director and Founder Isabel Eva Bohrer took over our news agency’s Instagram Stories last week at the 7th annual Fashion Day at CampusFP.

The occasion: 8 different runway shows, with 8 different themes, from “surrealism” to “under the sea.” And entirely produced by students – that means not only the designs, but the hair, the make-up, the lighting, the production, and the staging. FP, meaning Formación Profesional, is all about practical, hands-on training, which has always been at the heart of RGNN – “usus artem parat,” as the slogan of our RGNN Academy says.
Specifically, the fashion designs were created by students completing a Bachelor of Arts in Pattern Making and Fashion at CampusFP Atocha and IES Fuenllana, while students from the IES Salesianos Loyola de Aranjuez were in charge of the hair and make-up. CampusFP Image and Sound students, in turn, were entirely responsible for all the technical details, including the live music.
All the models were students, too. What a wonderful way to showcase diversity, creating real designs for real people. And if that weren’t enough, during the intermission, three further students put on a flamenco and modern dance performance. Scroll down below to see a recap of the IG Stories with some of our favorite moments.
Congratulations to you all and we look forward to next year’s edition!
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