Butterfly Pea Tea: An Effective Detoxifying Tea

Syeda Humira Monir Purni is an aspiring writer from Rajuk…
Butterfly Pea tea is a healthy drink that can help you get clear skin, thanks to its detoxifying properties. This drink is easy to make and can be drunk as a daily beverage. The key ingredient to making this tea is Butterfly Pea flowers. I usually pick them from my own plant, but you could also buy them from the grocery store. Store-bought flowers are dried up and sold in resealable packets. You can find them on Amazon as well. Just click on this link to get some of your own Butterfly Pea flowers.

As I mentioned earlier, this is an easy-made drink. First, boil water in a pot. Then, take some dried Butterfly Pea flowers and add them to the boiling water. Let the flowers sit in the water until they release their color. It will take a minute or two for the flowers to release their color completely. Once it’s done, take the pot off the stove and sieve the liquid to remove the flowers. Pour it into a mug and it’s ready to drink!
This recipe has its own variations as well. If you want it to change it’s color to purple, add some lemon juice, and see the magic! You could also add milk to it for a better taste.

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