Deanne Olivi L is from Atlanta, Georgia and she has…
Wanna know what college students are wearing all around the world? If you have an #OOTD to share, apply now and get published on RGNN.org!
Take some time to enjoy some really cool dance moves, in some really cool pajamas! Since the shutdown has come about, I have found time to focus more on activities that I love. I decided to share my hip-hop moves that I choreographed, along with a comfy, fruity, two-piece that was custom made by me as well. I enjoy shedding light in times that are not so sunny. I hope my dance movie is able to brighten your day and also encourage you to find your gifts and interests. Remember:
Crisis creates innovation and creativity.
You can find more of my dance movies on Instagram.
Have amazing style? Wanna share your #OOTD? Apply now and get published on RGNN.org!