My 2020 Morning Routine

Arionna Gonsalves studied Media and Communications with a minor in…
Since COVID-19, my morning routine has been thrown inside out and upside down. Before this year, my mornings were structured, organized, and had a sense of purpose. Now, with the pandemic, I’ve had to re-create what my morning routines meant to me and find a new purpose amidst the chaos. So, in light of the new “norm” that this year has created, I decided to just go with the flow and devise a routine that counteracts the 2020 vibes. This not only helps me regulate my emotions, but it also gives me back my sense of structure and purpose.
To start off, I wake up to the sound of my alarm at 9:15 a.m. I then sit in bed and check my socials to see what kind of surprises 2020 has for me that day. I do this for about 10 minutes or until I feel awake enough to form semi-grammatically correct sentences.
After I take a few minutes to digest that day’s news, I get ready for a quick morning workout. My workouts usually comprise of gentle cardio exercises, such as toe-touches, jog-in-place, squats, lunges, etc. I love working out for about 5-to-10 minutes in the morning because it helps activate my metabolism while overall getting my body warmed up and ready to start the day.
Afterward, I start my morning skincare regimen. My go-to face wash for my dry skin is THE FACE SHOP’s Rice Water Bright Cleansing Foam. I love how hydrating this face wash is, especially in the cold and dry winter months. I continue with the next steps in my routine, applying alcohol-free toner from Neutrogena, a vitamin c infused moisturizer from The Ordinary, 92% Aloe Vera Moisturizer from the Nature Republic, and any face lotion + sunscreen (I’m not too picky). This 20 minute process really helps to keep my skin hydrated and moisturized all day long.
By this time it’s about 10:00 a.m., and I’m getting ready for my first meditation of the day. I usually like to meditate twice a day 5 – 15 minutes each, once in the morning and then again right before I go to bed. I find that my meditations are key to managing my stress and anxiety levels, while also helping me to see the beauty in the mundane. Before I start meditating, I make sure to set an intention, such as gratitude, abundance, inner peace, etc. I use the app Insight Timer to really help me since it has a surplus of guided meditations from people of all backgrounds, races, ethnicities, nationalities, and religions.
It’s now time for the last and best part of my morning routine, breakfast! I usually choose between two different options. Option one being eggs, an apple, and some country-style grits. My second option is to make a concoction of my very own creation. I call it the Very Berry Banana smoothie (wow such creative, much original). This protein-packed drink is filled with anti-inflammatory ingredients like blueberries, olive oil, and turmeric (I promise you it tastes better than it sounds). By the time I finish cooking and eating, it’s about 10:45 a.m., which leaves me the rest of the day to read, play video games, draw, write, or whatever else my heart desires.
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