I Tried Too Faced’s Tutti Frutti Pineapple Paradise Strobing Bronzer Highlighting Duo

Tenzin Tsephel graduated from Ripon College in 2018, majoring in…
We all want to achieve that nice shimmery glow on our cheekbones, but to accomplish that you need a product that really brings out the best of both worlds–highlighting and bronzing. Too Faced’s Tutti Frutti collection launched back in 2018, but their Pineapple Paradise Strobing Bronzer Highlighting Duo is still a hit as of today. My cheekbones are naturally defined (thanks to genetics) and as a HUGE sucker for any makeup product that makes them glow, I knew this product was the one out of their entire collection I wanted to try.

Once you open the case, two colors are revealed. The lighter shade (on the left) is the highlighter and the darker shade (on the right) is the bronzer. As much as I love makeup and wear them every time, I am still learning new techniques and growing my knowledge. With that said, as a fun guide I followed Too Faced’s YouTube video below which offers a step-by-step process so the product is used at its full potential.
Here, you see I have a full face of makeup without the bronzer-highlighter. I prefer the natural look most of my days and knew it would be perfect for testing out the product.

In the video, they have you start off using the bronzer first. Make sure the applicator brush you are using is appropriate for this sort of technique and works for you–I personally have a small, basic applicator brush that does the job. For sculpting, take your brush with the bronzer shade and move it from the top of your ears downwards to the corners of your mouth and just blend. After that is finished, take your brush and work upwards from the outside of your eyes to your temple to give your eyes a little lift (this step is optional, but I did it anyway). Next, take the highlight shade and blend it to your cheekbones and the arches of your brows as normal–don’t forget the nose and cupids bow!

I stood in all-natural light and here is a side profile of the finished product. Although my skin is on the darker side, I did still have to be careful when applying the bronzer. You can go a little crazy with a highlighter, but for a bronzer that is a different story. If you have lighter skin than me, definitely apply lightly when using the bronzer since it does lean heavily on the darkness.

This bronzer-highlighting duo looked amazing and I can proudly say that it lasted a whole day of being outdoors in the heat. The product did not rub off anywhere and maintained its shine. I have only ever used highlighters and stopped using bronzers years ago, but this product is a win. I can see how bronzing is important for sculpting and with a highlighter on top of that I am satisfied with the results.
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